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False Unemployment Rate and REAL Healthcare Problems

False Unemployment Rate and REAL Healthcare Problems

Smiling female doctor with coworkers in the background

When the global recession hit the United States in 2008, it caused devastation to many people and their families. One of the states that got hit the hardest was California. Even today, it still has a deficit of over $400 billion and a 7.4% unemployment rate.

The good news here is the unemployment rate was at 12% in 2010, so things are certainly going in the right direction as far as jobs are concerned. But, are they good jobs? Are they the kind of jobs that will pay the rent and feed your family? Statistics show that the number of temporary and fast food jobs have increased over the years, which could explain why the unemployment rate appears to be low. However, we are still not seeing any new manufacturing or long term positions available to those people who want them.

We are seeing the same thing with the rest of the country, but California is among the worst. Since it is not illegal to factor in part-time, minimum wage jobs into the statistics of unemployment, this allows people to get a false idea about how the recession is really doing. Besides, the 7.4% unemployment rate is still higher than the 6% national unemployment rate.

The recession has still taken its toll on the Golden State. People are working two or three jobs just to pay the rent. This means they don’t have the time or money to go back to college and pursue a degree that will allow them to get a better job and make more money. Nobody seems to talk about this because we are so busy patting ourselves on the backs because the unemployment rate is going down. The truth is that it is not going down because people will still be unemployed when their temporary jobs are over.

As for part timers, they aren’t likely going to see opportunities to get full time employment because of the legalities regarding Obamacare. Employers are finding they have to pay more money to provide healthcare benefits to their employees. So, they are just totally eliminating healthcare benefits all together and keeping people on as part time employees. The only thing is, some workers end up working overtime anyways, but it is not official.

The laws need to change in order to allow all workers to get affordable healthcare. If not, any time a worker gets sick or injured it could put them into bankruptcy. Then they will never be able to get a loan for a new home or car. It is just a big mess and laws need to change to benefit the hard working employees who deserve a break.

United Employees Law Group has been fighting for our clients for over 35 years, through thick and thin.  If you are facing unlawful treatment at work, we are here for you. Call TODAY for a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL consultation.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/S_L

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