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Fair Pay Act in California

Fair Pay Act in California

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California has the most expansive Fair Pay Act which covers different classes of people. The law discourages any form of discrimination in the workplace based on ethnicity or ace. For example, if individuals are performing the same task in an organization, they are supposed to be paid equality.

If you have employees who perform similar duties in your workplace, then you will not be allowed by law to pay them different wages. You should try as much as possible to ensure there is fairness in your workplace. If you are discovered to have engaged in any form of discrimination, legal actions may be taken against you.

Some of the cases under which you can pay workers different amounts of money include the following:


A seniority system

There are some employees who are senior in their workplace. For example, they may have worked or long in the organization hence they have climbed the ranks for them to become senior employees. If you have such a system in your workplace, then you can use the system for you to pay employees at different rates in your organization.

A merit system

There are several factors which can contribute towards the merit of your employees. For example, if you have an employee who has added qualifications, then buy merit you can decide to pay such an employee more money. You should have a well-defined system for you to gauge the merit of the employee for you to avoid breaking the law.

Quality and quantity for production

If you have a system in place which measures the equality or quantity of production, then you can base your payment on such a basis. If you have an employee who tends to deliver more for the organization, then the employee deserves to be paid more than others who are performing less. The system should be well defined so that you can know how to pay employees at different levels.

Education, training, and experience of the employer

You should base your payment system on a different factor other than race, sex, and ethnicity when trying to pay the employees. If you have an employee who has undergone several other training as a way of trying to improve his career, then the employee can be paid more than others who have not undergone the extra training.

Any reasons which you base to pay your employees should be based on the law rather than discrimination.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/ Billion Photos

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