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How to Cope With Employment Termination

How to Cope With Employment Termination

Man signing legal paperwork with gavel on the table

The impact of employment termination goes well beyond influencing a person’s financial situation. There are many strong negative emotions associated with job loss, however, if you continue these emotions and carry them into your personal relationships and job interviews, it can have a negative impact on your career. Maintaining a positive outlook may not come easily to everyone, and may require serious effort on your part. Here are a few tips on how a person can cope with job loss:

Stay Active

Don’t let yourself get lazy while you are between jobs. Inactivity influences and feeds into negative thoughts and feelings. Create a daily routine and work plan and try to stick with it.

Allocate Your Resources Carefully

The loss of a steady paycheck can have a devastating financial impact. Therefore, upon losing your job it is crucial to develop a budget for yourself, by mapping out all of your financial responsibilities.

Keep Fit and Healthy

Since the body has a strong need for nourishment during stress periods, it is wise to avoid processed foods and refined sugars and eat whole foods such as fruits and vegetables instead. A poor diet can leave you more vulnerable to the negative aspects of stress and more susceptible to illness.

Exercise is one of the best ways to reduce the effects of stress. It is also a good way to improve your overall physical and mental health. Regular, vigorous, physical exercise is perhaps the most natural, as well as the most beneficial, method of dealing with stress and tension

Courtesy of Workplace Fairness. For more information regarding the article, visit

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Africa-Studio

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