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Employment Problems…SOLVED!

Employment Problems…SOLVED!

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California Employment Law Helps You Tackle Issues of Employment
California is one of the finest states of the US for workers, which holds the world’s sixth largest economy and empowers a market of more than 36 million employees. Employees of California do not have to suffer from as of significant challenges, as it’s laws are quite different from the federal ones. In fact, within the employment law of this state dwells a broad spectrum, providing amazing protection when compared to the federal law or employment law of many other states.
But, it’s often seen that with time people become a victim of employment issues. These issues are divided into four categories which are Discrimination of Wages and Working Hours, Unfair Competition, Unethical Workplace Environment and Leave Discrimination. Such issues affect not only pay, but also mentally, emotionally and physically to a greater extent.

Four Employment Issues Seen In California
As mentioned earlier, any employee at some point of their working career may have experienced employment issues, which are better explained as:
Discrimination of Wages and Working Hours: Today the wages in accordance to the working hours has become a rising employment concern in California. These types of cases are popular among employment lawyers primarily because proper wage as per the working hours has always been important to the employees of California when compared to any other state.

Unfair Competition: The Business and Professional Code, under article 17200 strictly prohibits fraudulent and unfair competition by any business. Those businesses that violate this act and promote unfair competition can be charged by the employees, so that they can recover their unpaid wages with the help of a proficient employment lawyer.

Unethical Workplace: The Cal-OSHA better known as the California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health has enforced several laws to protect employees from hazards that might occur at the workplace. This organization has its hold over every jurisdiction of the state and for every employee who works in California.

Leave Discrimination: The California law promotes special provisions for taking leave from the workplace. Such leaves are given under seven possible reasons as directed by the California Employment Law which are Paid Family Leave, Pregnancy Leave, Volunteer or Civil Services, Sick Leave, Schools Activities, Time Off For Vote or Participating in Judicial Concerns.

If you are facing legal issues in the workplace United Employees Law Group has answers, Call Today for your free and confidential case review.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Flamingo Images

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