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Why Do Employers Need the I-9 Form?

Why Do Employers Need the I-9 Form?

Man signing legal paperwork with gavel on the table

What is the I-9 form?

This is a form that was introduced in 1989 in US and used by employers to verify the identity and eligibility of anyone they hire to work in the US whether citizens or non-citizens. The employees are required to present the original documents with the exception of a certified copy of the birth certificate. Any employee who fails to produce this document or a receipt for a replacement document within three days can be terminated. If one shows the receipt, he/she is given 90 days period to present the original document.

Why Does Employer Need I-9 Form?

There are some reasons as to why the employer needs this form. Below are some of the reasons:

1.It Verifies Your Eligibility To Work In US

Without this form, you will not be eligible to work in the United States. You are required to apply for this form whether you are the citizen or not. When you are issued with the form or the waiting documents, it means that you are eligible to work. Therefore, this form is a proof that you have the required skills and eligible to work.

2.It Verifies The Real Identity Of An Employee

The employers must know the real identity of the employees for transparency and security reasons. The i-9 Form can be used to reveal the real identity of a person since he/she is properly investigated and screened before issued with the document.

3.It Provides Personal Information When Needed For Verification

There are some instances where the personal details of employees are required within the shortest time possible. In such a case, the employers can use this document to get all the necessary information about the employee in this form. When applying for the form, all your personal details and the private information are required. This way, the employers will be able to get any information about the employee without necessarily involving him/her.

4.It Is A Legal Requirement

It is the requirement by the law in California US that all the employers must file or store electronically the i-9 Form of all the employees. It is also the joy of all the employers to abide by the law and meet the entire legal requirement. By doing so, they are obeying the law.

Those are some of the reasons as to why most of the employers in US have such forms for all the employees. It makes their work easier in terms of security and proper management of employees. Therefore, it is part of paperwork when newly employed in US.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Africa-Studio

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