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Who Does the EEOC Consider the NEW MINORITY?

Who Does the EEOC Consider the NEW MINORITY?

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Helping Teens Get Back to Work

It’s a common sentiment these days: “What’s wrong with kids these days?” “Get a job kid.” It’s not just an impression; just the other day, the morning news had an article on the decreased number of teens in the US workforce. As a hard working generation, it’s popular to complain about the laziness and entitled attitude of today’s youth, but in truth past generations of high schoolers were part of a very different work environment too. Even 20 years ago teens were expected to get a job in high school, but these days it’s getting harder and harder for them to get a job even if they want one. The discrimination young workers face has reached such levels that the EEOC started an initiative to help serve and protect groups they call the “new minorities.”

Teens in the United States face discrimination, harassment, mistreatment and pay violations to name a few. This is precisely why the EEOC put the Youth@Work Initiative into motion. The new program helps educate young workers as to their rights on the job and the responsibilities they have in the workforce as well.

The effectiveness of Youth@Work is evidenced by the victory young workers won against the owner of McDonalds for over $1 million dollars.

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Monkey Business Images

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