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Don’t Wait for the AX to FALL: Being Prepared Can Pay Off.

Don’t Wait for the AX to FALL: Being Prepared Can Pay Off.

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Steps Employees Should Take When Expecting a Layoff

Washington may be selling the idea that we are in a new economy, but there are several companies still trying to recover from the bad economic condition of the country. As a result, the unemployment scenario in California has not subsided even a bit. In fact, the rate of unemployment in California presently is 12%, and the chances of hiring are also considerably low, as around 63% of the small businesses have closed their hiring process for some time to come.

If you are an employee with one of these companies and are expecting to get laid off, you must consider doing the following things:
#1: Secure all letters of reference, performance evaluations and letters of commendation that have a mention of the landmark projects that you have done for the company. It’s also great to have a count of expense reductions that you may have got for your company and the goals that you may have achieved in terms of revenue generated. Have your back-up data ready!

#2: Keeping this data handy can be of great help to you. First, because you will be reminded of your achievements and you will realize your true value. Second, because asking your manager to provide this information will also remind them of your contribution to the team and company. Lastly, you can furnish this information to the interview board for lay-off and can actually avoid that situation from arising. If you come to know that the company is laying off people and your name is a part of that list, try to contact management and talk to them about any negotiations that may be possible.

#3: Your company may choose to give you severance pay, in which case the company shall ask you to sign a release. If you sign these papers, you will not be able to make several kinds of labor law claims on the company. Before signing any release papers, you must first show it to a knowledgeable California labor law attorney. Moreover, all of these release papers say that you, as one of the parties, have the right to get the papers reviewed by an attorney.

See even more ways to protect yourself from tricks employers use to get you to quit HERE.

The labor laws in California are rather complex, and before you sign the release papers, it is important for you to understand all your rights. The attorneys of United Employees Law Group can help and you don’t pay unless we win your case. It is also important for you to realize that in getting you to sign the release papers, your employer is not doing you a favor. In fact, you are doing a favor to your employer by signing those papers as you are the one who is at the risk of losing a good amount of money.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/ GaudiLab

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