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Don’t Take the Fall for Your Company

Don’t Take the Fall for Your Company

Professionally dressed young man looking out a window

Is your boss breaking the law? Are you being asked to do your job in a manner you believe to be unscrupulous and possibly illegal? Don’t assume you are protected by, “They told me to.” If you are going along with unlawful business practices you could be left holding the bag. Don’t be your boss’s scapegoat!

Many larger companies employ less than honest business practices and then try to hide behind the claim that the company is so large they can’t possibly be expected to keep tabs on every individual employee, effectively passing the blame for breaking the law onto the employee. One such company who has come under scrutiny several times and is yet again in hot water is Safelite Glass Repair.

So What’s The Fuss?

Most of us are familiar with the TV jingle, but Safelite’s helping hand image may be up for debate. Think about the adds you’ve heard or seen; they generally push the idea that most of the time the repair or replacement will be covered by your insurance company. This may be true, HOWEVER, because they act as a third party appraiser it is their job to assess the damage and report what needs to be done to fix it. The question of business and legal practice comes in when the third party assessor over reports the damage and/or pushes you to hire their company to do the repairs. In other words, they have been accused of claiming the glass is a total loss and needs replacing when a repair would have been adequate, and additionally getting the insurance company to pay them for doing the excessive repair. You can see where this would be considered illegal.

If you are an employee in this situation, the company has laid out a policy of how to up sell, and then when they are edited for the illegal practice they claim it was just rougue employees.

If any of this sounds too familiar, you need an advocate who will fight for you. Call United Employees Law Group today and make sure you have the right team on your side. We will put our 35 years of experience to work for you.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/ GaudiLab

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