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Don’t Leave anything behind: Home Depot Vs. Henshaw

Don’t Leave anything behind: Home Depot Vs. Henshaw

Are you leaving your job? Are you sure you are getting everything they owe you?

Whether you are leaving on your own or you were terminated, in California you are owed money for all accrued vacation time upon leaving your job.

The Home Depot was sued in a case known as Henshaw and Souza v Home Depot USA Inc., claiming that the employees were only paid for a fraction of owed vacation days. Henshaw was paid for 184 of his 528 accrued hours of vacation; and Mr. Souza claimed they paid him only 544 of his 1210 accrued hours of his accrued vacation time.

As happens with many such cases, this case was escalated to the federal court when it was determined that this was a much more far reaching problem, and the case for unpaid vacation time quickly turned into a class action.
The case was approved in US District court for the Central District of California and mandates payment of accrued vacation hours as well as penalties and interest to more than 1300 former employees. The settlement means a payout of $1.6 million by Home Depot, though they still claim they did nothing wrong.

You cannot assume your employer has the numbers right or your best interest.  At the end of the day we are each responsible for our own paycheck. You have to double check and make sure you are getting what you are owed. If something doesn’t seem right get another opinion. Many employees are told by their employers that they are not owed for different things, like overtime or mileage, when in fact they should be collecting.

Stand up for yourself and get the money you work for. If you believe you are owed money call us for help. United Employees Law Group will assess your personal situation and tell you if you are owed money.


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