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Deal or No Deal

Deal or No Deal

Group that is diverse sitting around on couches with books and papers out

You have just made a major decision in your life by selecting a California Labor Attorney to represent you in your claim for unpaid wages.  A substantial amount of money is at stake and you hope that you made the right decision. You find yourself being bombarded with questions to answer and forms to fill out. The process takes on a somewhat mysterious quality and you are trying to steer a successful course. You begin to ask yourself, how can I help to achieve the best outcome and the answer to that question is not all that clear to you.

As in any major undertaking it is important to establish a clear idea of what you hope to achieve. In order to realistically evaluate an answer to that question you must first take into account that you are engaged in a situation that is complex with many moving parts. So let’s take a look at the various things that come into play in effecting the outcome of your claim.

  • An initial calculation of the claim, interest, penalties and legal fees.
  • Review of the evidence provided by the client.
  • A determination of who is legally responsible for payment of any unpaid wages.
  • An initial evaluation of the financial strength of the company or individuals.
  • A discovery plan to secure evidence from the defendants and witnesses.
  • An evaluation of the clients’ ability to handle the legal process.
  • An estimate of the legal resources and funds necessary to prosecute the case.
  • A strategy to prosecute the case taking into account all the elements of the case.

Both the client and the attorney are now bound together by a partnership in which the attorney has the duty to advise his client as to what can realistically be achieved and the steps necessary. In the initial stages it is more difficult to evaluate the outcome that one may expect. As the case progresses and the evidential documents have been obtained, this evaluation process becomes more accurate, although the outcome is never a sure thing.

Through a dialogue between the client and the attorney it is important for the client to share his or her expectations. At first this may seem rather straightforward but in fact there are many elements that need to be weighed which can and does change one’s expectations.

It has been my experience in representing clients that they normally take a very realistic approach with regard to what can reasonably be achieved and they work closely with the attorney throughout the process.

Eventually there will be a point in time or possibly various points in time, when a decision will need to be made as to whether or not a proposed settlement should be accepted or rejected. The main factor that will affect the decision to accept or reject an offer can be stated in one word “Predictability”. In other words, does it make more sense to accept the offer that is on the table and know the outcome of your case, or is the value of an offer below the amount that you believe makes the risk of going forward the better choice?

At some point an assessment is made by the client that the certainty of receiving a given amount outweighs the risk of a trial, which may or may not result in a better outcome, as well as the possibility that everything could be lost notwithstanding the fact that a settlement results in receiving payment now rather than later. This is the same decision that the defendant must weigh in deciding to make an offer of settlement. In making this decision you have to ask yourself should I go to trial and put my fate in the hands of another.

This reminds me of the television show “Deal or No Deal” (©2010 NBC Universal). In this game show the contestant must guess which case holds the main prize of $1 million. There are 26 cases and in each round of the game he or she selects one case and before opening the case the contestant may either accept an offer of cash to terminate the game or continue playing. The amounts held in each case range from 1 penny to $1 million. As the game progresses the contestant is offered an amount of money to stop the game which statistically takes into account the odds of the contestant picking the right case from the remaining group. The contestant has to decide whether or not to continue taking further chances or to take the amount being offered. If the contestant continues to play the game and fails to pick the case with $1 million before using up all of his or her chances he or she can lose everything. That is why the game is called “Deal or No Deal”.

The fact is that over 95% of cases are resolved by a negotiated settlement after a substantial amount of work has been put into the matter by both parties. Although it is expensive to bring a case to settlement it is substantially more expensive not to settle because although the outcome may be better, a loss could be devastating and as the old saying goes “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”.

This is why it is important to have California Labor Attorneys who are experienced and who can guide you to a successful resolution of your claim.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/

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