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Court Should Be Your Last Resort

Court Should Be Your Last Resort

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/ Africa Studio

Don’t Take Legal Action Lightly

I’m pretty sure I’ve never met anyone, except maybe a lawyer, who enjoys going to court, and truth be told even most lawyers would rather stay out of the courtroom as this often means lower cost and higher reward.

“It’s going to great to finally get the money they owe me,” that I do hear, and often. Taking on a legal case to sue for damages, whether it is for money owed or harm done, is never an easy process. It is precisely the fear of this process that most employers are counting to deter you from taking action to collect money from them. This scare tactic is a large reason a company of any size retains a team of lawyers, to hopefully make you believe there is no way you can win.

United Employees Law Group FEARS NO EMPLOYER! We have been fighting for employees long enough to know that the playground bully doesn’t have to win.

The beauty of being an employee in California is that you are given two very powerful tools.

Number ONE is the fact that most suits wil never see a courtroom. The court would much rather have the case decided outside through mediation and settlement. Like your mom always told you to “go figure it out yourselves.” It is much cheaper and faster to sit down and have two sides come to agreeable terms. If your case can be decided through mediation it can mean a much swifter decision and often a better settlement when the company hasn’t racked up huge legal expenses.

Number TWO is a biggie, it is the company which bears the burden of proof, which means once we file a sound claim with evidence against them it falls to the defendant (your employer) to prove otherwise. In other words you employer must prove that they did not wrong you and do not owe you money and not the other way around. This is by no means an open door to file a suit with no merit, filing suit against your boss because you are angry can get you sued so DON’T DO IT!

If you have been battling with the decision to sue your current or former employer you need to get sound legal advice, don’t assume you have no case. Let UELG help you understand your rights and the best route to getting what you deserve.

Call us now United Employees Law Group is here for you.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/ Africa Studio

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