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Collecting Unemployment Benefits in California

Collecting Unemployment Benefits in California

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In California, the office that handles unemployment benefits is known as the Employment Development Department.

Qualification for Unemployment in California

You should meet three qualification necessities to collect unemployment benefits in California:

1. Your past earnings must meet a minimum threshold

2. You should be unemployed through no mistake of your own, in accordance with California law.

3. You should be capable, available, and looking for work.

Unemployment Benefits

Before we talk about the benefits, it may be noted that you must register yourself for these benefits as soon as you have been laid off by a company. Many people do the mistake of not registering at the unemployment office in the hope of finding a new job soon. Although you may be confident about your abilities, it is a good idea to register yourself soon. What if it takes a while to get a job of your choice? You may not want to compromise on the work profile due to the urgency of a job requirement. To avoid such situations, it is important to seek unemployment benefits.
How To File For Your Unemployment benefits?
In filing unemployment benefits in California, you will be required to give personal and employment information like name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, name and address of previous employer, date of starting and leaving the job, and reason for resigning or being laid off from the job. After sometime of filing the claim, you will receive a letter specifying the benefits you will receive.  Unfortunately, if your claim gets rejected, you will receive a notice stating the reason of denial of unemployment benefits. Receiving a denial letter does not mean you cannot get the claim. In such a case, you should prepare for appeal to persuade the California to pay you the unemployment benefits. Here is a list of benefits that you can expect. It is important to note that you must register yourself of unemployment to be eligible for the benefits.

Temporary Compensation
Until you find a new job, you can expect temporary compensation from the California government. However, you must qualify for this kind of compensation. The value and duration of the unemployment benefit would depend on the California.

The California unemployment law has its own unemployment benefits program. There are some eligibility criteria that you must qualify to avail the benefits. The unemployment benefits are given only if you meet the qualifying criteria.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Monkey Business Images (5)

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