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Work Time

Employee Do’s & Don’ts In The Workplace

When you think about the term workplace etiquette, chances are you have a very different definition than someone else. Showing …

Common Wage Violations

California takes serious care of their employees. This means that employees in California enjoy a wide array of employee protection …

California Holiday Vacation Law

Most employers are not aware that they are not legally required to allow their employees take holiday off. However, in …

Should I Be Paid For My On-Call Time?

Pay for an on-call time” is becoming a greater issue as the “on-call” practice is widespread due to the number …

What is Considered Paid Work Time?

There is often some confusion among workers as to which activities are considered “work” for which they must be paid, …

California Rules on Vacation and Paid Time Off

The Californian law does not dictate that vacations are mandatory. Due to the importance these have on the employee morale …

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