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Whistle Blowing in the Workplace

Blowing the whistle is a well-known phrase often used to represent a situation where someone is disclosing certain information to …

Don’t Keep Quiet You are Protected

Whistleblowing Instigates Retaliation in Many Forms A whistleblower is an employee who discovers and reports wrongdoing, which is usually some …

Weighing the Cost vs. Reward

How much is it worth and are you opening the door to unwanted scrutiny of your own life by filing …

The Whistleblower Protection Law

The laws for whistleblowing in the United States encourage everyone to disclose information about illegal activities that they have witnessed …

Blowing The Whistle

Blowing the whistle can be a difficult decision for anyone, and it is particularly difficult for an employee who believes …

How to Report a Labor Violation on a Public Construction Project

The violation of existing laws of wages on public construction projects is also known as theft of wages. These violations …

Protecting Your 1st Amendment Rights at Work

An employer may have infringed on the First Amendment rights of an employee if the employee is deterred from complaining …

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