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Understanding California’s Rules on Collecting Your Final Paycheck

In California, employers are required by law to give their employees their final paycheck after the termination of their employment. …

Performance Improvement Plans

Performance Improvement Plans are used to improve employee performance, modify behavior and correct discrepancies. Employees put under the PIP have …

Don’t Keep Quiet You are Protected

Whistleblowing Instigates Retaliation in Many Forms A whistleblower is an employee who discovers and reports wrongdoing, which is usually some …

Wrongful Termination in California, an at Will Employment State

All Employees in the state of California are presumed to be in an “at will employment status” unless they have …

Weighing the Cost vs. Reward

How much is it worth and are you opening the door to unwanted scrutiny of your own life by filing …

Times, They Aren’t A Changin’: Discrimination at Work

Years go by, but some things never seem to change. No matter how many new laws are put in place …

California Labor Law Attorneys Fight Wrongful Termination while out on Disability or Medical Leave

California labor law attorneys have been noticing a trend in terminations during medical leaves of absence. Often times the cause …

Breaking the Employment Relationship: The Right and Wrong Way

The involuntary termination of employment by the employer is controlled by specific rules which if violated entitles an employee to …

Layoff Laws in California

Layoffs in California are an inevitable part of employment, especially for employers that decide to do so in today’s tough …

Time to level the playing field.

This is a true story. Do you know of anybody who is ever busy and always ready to assist? Diane …

Bad Boss? Don’t take it sitting down!

Welcome to the 21st century. You have so many rights at work you can’t even keep track of them. No …

PG&E Employee Awarded over $1 million for Wrongful Termination

Last year, Matthew Niswonger won his wrongful termination case after being fired for reporting safety issues on the job. Were …

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