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California Doesn’t Take Workplace Retaliation Lightly

Workplace retaliation, while unfair and stressful for an employee, can be difficult to protect against. The important thing to know …

Don’t Keep Quiet You are Protected

Whistleblowing Instigates Retaliation in Many Forms A whistleblower is an employee who discovers and reports wrongdoing, which is usually some …

Wrongful Termination in California, an at Will Employment State

All Employees in the state of California are presumed to be in an “at will employment status” unless they have …

But Who Will Protect Me?

Whistle-blowers and Retaliation Too Often go Hand in Hand. A whistle blower is someone who has reported a wrongdoing; this …

Weighing the Cost vs. Reward

How much is it worth and are you opening the door to unwanted scrutiny of your own life by filing …

California Labor Law Attorneys have more Ammunition to Combat Retaliation

Labor attorneys fought long and hard over whether or not Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) protects oral, as well as …

Bad Boss? Don’t take it sitting down!

Welcome to the 21st century. You have so many rights at work you can’t even keep track of them. No …

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