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Independent Contractor

What are Independent Contractors?

Independent contractors agree with a business or firm through a written contract that details the duties, pay, responsibilities, etc. of …

Independent Contractor FAQ’s

Are there some benefits of hiring an independent contractor? Contractors are relatively cheaper than hiring permanent employees. Apart from paying …

New Spotlight on California Workers Misclassification

Worker misclassification is becoming a new hot button issue at both the state and national levels. It has been a …

If Your Company Does This it Could COST YOU!

The Four Most Common Mistakes Made By Employers According to the California Labor Laws The California Labor Laws are constantly …

These 2 Mistakes Could KILL Your Paycheck

If You Work Off the Clock or are Misclassified it can cost you. With the many labor laws in California that …

How does the Labor Commission assist you?

The MOU or Memorandum of Understanding is a directive which has been included in the US Department of Labor’s (DOL) …

Get Your Company to PAY UP!

Get reimbursement from your employer for using your cell phone for work. Have you ever been asked by your boss …

Employee or Independant Contractor: 3 easy ways to tell

Top Three Factors to Determine Employee v. Independent Contractor Under the California labor law what determines whether a worker is an independent …

Are you an Independent Contractor or should you actually be Considered an actual Employee?

The federal government has been focusing a lot of their attention and resources on cracking down on the misclassification of …

Is the IRS actually HELPING you?

Question: What Three Government Entities Want to Make Sure You are Paid Properly? Answer: Department of Labor, the Internal Revenue Service, …

Your Employer may Owe you Money if you have been Misclassified as an Independent Contractors in California

California’s labor board, the Division of Standard Labor Enforcement (DLSE), as well as the federal government Department of Labor, (DOL) are very …

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