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Legal Strategies That Help to Stop Workplace Racial Discrimination.

Combat workplace racial discrimination through effective legal strategies for diversity, inclusion, equal opportunity, training, and cultural competence, fostering a more inclusive and harmonious environment.

Age Discrimination in the Workplace

According to California labor laws, individuals who are 40 years and above should not be discriminated in their workplaces based …

Discrimination in the Workplace

The UELG (United Employees Law Group) is a California based employment law firm that is devoted to helping employees who …

California Labor Lawyers present a Class Action Alleging Discrimination in Wal-Mart

This California class action originating in San Francisco has been in court for over a decade. Labor law attorneys for the …

If Your Company Does This it Could COST YOU!

The Four Most Common Mistakes Made By Employers According to the California Labor Laws The California Labor Laws are constantly …

Undocumented Workers to be issued Work Permits?!

Being so close to one of the country’s most porous borders, this issue has to be monitored, in San Diego …

Age Discrimination is Illegal yet still Prevalent

It is common knowledge that age discrimination is not legal, yet many unemployed over the age of 40 can tell …

Times, They Aren’t A Changin’: Discrimination at Work

Years go by, but some things never seem to change. No matter how many new laws are put in place …

HIRE Act May Bring Relief to Unemployed California Workers

On March 18, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act. The bill is …

ADA Expands Definition of “Disability” Increasing Wrongful Termination Suits

Due to the expanded definition of the term “disability” under the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008, employers …

Filing a Discrimination or Harassment Claim

If you feel that you have been discriminated against by your employer, then you should immediately file a complaint with …

How To Prove Discrimination

Discrimination at the place of work is said to occur when one gets treated differently from the rest as a …

Employment Problems…SOLVED!

California Employment Law Helps You Tackle Issues of Employment California is one of the finest states of the US for …

Necessary Action or Licenses to be King?

The executive action is nothing new to the US presidency.  In fact, as many as 200 executive orders have been …

Help, I Have a BAD BOSS!

Got Employer Issues? We have Answers! Every so often, you hear about an ill-fated employee who got sacked because he …

Bad Boss? Don’t take it sitting down!

Welcome to the 21st century. You have so many rights at work you can’t even keep track of them. No …

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