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What You Need To Know About Deductions 

The law has specific guidelines when employers can withhold employees’ wages. First, the employer can impose deductions on an employee’s wages when …

California Deductions FAQ’s

Under the California labor law, an employer can lawfully withhold deductions from his employee’s wages only in cases required by federal …

Can They Take That Out of My Check?

How time flies! The holidays are looming and that means year end and too soon TAX TIME! Most 1099 contractors …

Pay Check Deductions

Most employees know that the federal law mandates deductions from his or her paycheck for Social Security and federal income tax. The …

California Paycheck Deductions

All employees must be able to know what their wages or salaries are a well as the exact amounts they …

Understanding Your Pay Stub

A good number of employees rarely understand why the money earned is not always 100% of the amount that an …

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