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class action

Incentives For Coming Forward as Class Representitve

San Diego Class Actions and the Important Role of the Class Representative. If it were not for employees participating in …

California Labor Law Attorneys Recover 7th Day Pay and On Call Pay

California labor law attorneys fought to prove that it should be illegal to change the beginning and end days of …

How Class Action Lawsuits Work

Both class action and civil lawsuits can be filed in state courts as well as federal courts. The Class Action …

The Class Action Lawsuit and Its Benefits

In the context of the law of civil injury, a class action lawsuit refers to a lawsuit involving a large …

Benefits of a Class Action Lawsuit

Around the world, employees are always facing various work-related challenges that need a legal address. In law, people say that …

Employment Problems…SOLVED!

California Employment Law Helps You Tackle Issues of Employment California is one of the finest states of the US for …

Help, I Have a BAD BOSS!

Got Employer Issues? We have Answers! Every so often, you hear about an ill-fated employee who got sacked because he …

Illegal Business Practice: Who’s Accountable?

Do you work for a shady company? Is your boss making you break the law just to keep your job? …

Under the Table, NOT Above the Law!

Think you pay too much in taxes? There are actually government agencies trying to make that better! Have you ever …

Can Your Boss Make You Take Off Your Headscarf?

Where is the line of separation in church and state? Just what are your rights when it comes to expressing …

Have your Break and Paycheck TOO!

Are you overworked and exhausted? Keeping track of the hundreds of labor codes may seem like a waste of time, …

Working Too Hard? Take a PAID Break!

Many employees don’t even know they are entitled to paid breaks.  Are you one of them?  It can be difficult …

Eye for an Eye, Won’t Fly!

ALL California employees have rights in the workplace; those rights are carefully defined in the many laws of the California …

Shift Differentials and Overtime Pay

Some California employers pay what is called a shift differential to those employees who are willing to work certain shifts. …

What mistakes could you Company be Making on Your Paycheck?

Labor law in California changes constantly as new laws are passed and new cases are decided in court creating new …

Company Bankrupt, Who Pays You?

So your company went under or got sold. Who is responsible to pay the wages you were owed, and how …

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