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California Law on Prevailing Wages

California Law on Prevailing Wages

Gavel and money

Prevailing wage is a base reimbursement rate for all construction workers. All workers in the public construction sector are paid equality to avoid cases where an employer can offer more wages to attract more bids. The prevailing wage models ensure workers receive equal benefits if they work in a job which has the same responsibilities. The equal pay includes fringe benefits as well as day wages. It is a law put in place to foster equality in workplace.

Who can and cannot get prevailing wages?

All construction workers in California are subject to prevailing wages. The workers include those who do unskilled jobs in the construction industry. Professionals such as architects, clerical staff and security guards are not subject to the prevailing wage models. If the professionals get involved in helping those who work in the construction project, they can as well access the benefits under prevailing wage structure.

Method for deciding the prevailing wage rate in California

According to laws in California, the prevailing wage is based on the basic hourly rate. It is compensated on the public works to majority of employees who are involved in meticulous craft and are categorized in a given adjacent job market. If employees work in a given area, the prevailing age declares what they can be paid by different employees in the area as a way of achieving fairness in their workplace.

Effect of the prevailing wage

The law ensures the ability to access more workers to your project is not based on the ability to pay more than your employee or lower. The law dictates that not less than the universal rate for each Diem can be paid to the employees. It fosters fairness in the public work schemes.

Common prevailing wage determination

The Director of Department of Industrial Relations offers the guidelines on the prevailing wage. He offers the categorization twice each year. You will have the categorization of the prevailing wages on 22nd February as well as in 22nd August.

Wage claims arbitration 

The task of arbitration is carried out by the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement. Employees can file claims via their lawyer after which the division can arbitrate. The (DLSE) conduct informal meetings between the employer and the employees after which they resolve the conflict.

Ways to file a wage claim

There are several ways you can file for wage claim. They include the following:

  1. Unpaid pay, which include commissions, bonuses and overtime.
  2. Wages compensation through checks, issued without sufficient funds.
  3. Final wages which is not acknowledged
  4. Unexploited vacation hours which as not exploited upon extinction of the service such as relinquish, discharge or layoff.
  5. Deductions from paychecks which is unofficial.
  6. Unpaid business costs.
  7. Split shift payments or reporting time wages among others

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Elnur

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