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ANGRY does not mean RIGHT. When You Should Sue.

ANGRY does not mean RIGHT. When You Should Sue.

Sad woman sitting on the ground with her head in her knees

Just because you got fired doesn’t mean your boss broke the law.

It’s easy to feel like you’ve been horribly wronged if you’ve just lost your job, and while we represent many employees who have faced wrongful termination, the truth is that most of us have been fired at least once and with no legal recourse. Just being angry and thinking you should not have been fired IS NOT CAUSE TO SUE your employer. BUT, and it’s a big but, in more cases than I can count employees who bring their cases to us often find they have a wage claim they did not even know about.

Sometimes it takes something as disruptive as being booted completely to realize there were other things going on in your office. The most common situation we encounter involves overtime violations for hourly employees. Because wage and overtime laws are a moving target, and constantly changing based on new legislation and case law, employers frequently are not up to date on the correct wage regulation or when and how to pay their employees who are eligible for overtime pay.

“I didn’t know” is not good enough though. It is your company’s responsibility to know how to pay you, and if they fail to do so properly they are liable for the unpaid wages PLUS interest and possible penalties.

As an employee representative, you may think UELG would be “sue happy” but in truth the opposite could be said; we are here to help employees who have TRULY been wronged by their employer. It does no one any good to spend hundreds of man hours pursuing cases without merit. This is why we know how to collect the right information from you and determine quickly if you could have a good case against your employer.  In many cases we are able to get these issues settled without court time, saving everyone time and headaches.

If you believe you have a claim against your employer we encourage you to call right away. There is limited time to file, and only an experienced employment lawyer can tell you if you really have a case.

Stop complaining and take action. The team at UELG IS HERE TO HELP.  CALL NOW.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/Andrey_Popov

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