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California Labor Lawyers present a Class Action Alleging Discrimination in Wal-Mart

California Labor Lawyers present a Class Action Alleging Discrimination in Wal-Mart

Scales of justice on table with solid teal background

This California class action originating in San Francisco has been in court for over a decade. Labor law attorneys for the plaintiffs assert that Wal-Mart has discriminated against millions of woman in over 170 separate job classifications, in terms of pay and promotions.

This would be the first class actions of its size that sets out to prove discrimination through the broader use of statistical models rather than direct evidence. If the Plaintiffs are successful this could mean a slew of similarly litigated discrimination class actions will flood the courts. Naturally corporations are holding their breath and watching closely to see the outcome as it could mean millions in liability.

There are some concerns with such a wide range of subclasses and situations. Wal-Mart argues that the plaintiff’s discrimination claims are too diverse to be banded together in a single action. They also try to point out that with so many different situations there is bound to be a few rogue managers that might have discriminated against woman in terms of pay or promotions, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that all women were treated similarly.

On the other hand the attorneys for the plaintiffs would argue Wal-Mart provided to its managers unchecked discretion … that was used to pay men more than women. Furthermore, that if there is a pattern of discrimination and Wal-Mart knew about it then shouldn’t they be held responsible.

Because of these concerns the justices could choose to remand the case to the lower court under a revised set of guidelines; rather than a divided court issuing an opinion and setting a precedent in such a case.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/BrAt82

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