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Can Your Boss Make You Take Off Your Headscarf?

Where is the line of separation in church and state? Just what are your rights when it comes to expressing …

California Rules on Vacation and Paid Time Off

The Californian law does not dictate that vacations are mandatory. Due to the importance these have on the employee morale …

Have your Break and Paycheck TOO!

Are you overworked and exhausted? Keeping track of the hundreds of labor codes may seem like a waste of time, …

Working Too Hard? Take a PAID Break!

Many employees don’t even know they are entitled to paid breaks.  Are you one of them?  It can be difficult …

New Protection Against Didscrimination

In The Golden State we have many great protections as employees and the new AB 1964 passed recently by Gov. …

Who Really Benefits From Independent Contractor Status?

Has your company refused to pay you overtime or meet minimum wage requirements, or denied you benefits and workers comp …

Increased Religious Protection At Work

What is Religious Creed? Who is Protected? AB 1964 was passed by Gov. Brown with several purposes, possibly the most …

Who Defines Religious Creed? Am I protected at Work?

During Governor Brown’s second term he passed AB 1964, the purpose of which was to make an amendment to the …

Eye for an Eye, Won’t Fly!

ALL California employees have rights in the workplace; those rights are carefully defined in the many laws of the California …

Common Illegal Questions You Shouldn’t Be Asked During a Job Interview

If you have wondered why your prospective employer asked questions that you thought were strange, then you are not alone. …

Who is it really FOR? What will Prop 47 Mean to Business?

Californians voted to pass Prop 47 and changed the penalties on several crimes from felony down to misdemeanors.  The new …

Sticks and Stones…Social Media Could Hurt You

By now, you have probably used Facebook, Twitter or YouTube at one time or another. Many people freely use these …

3 Rights You need To Claim

Employers Cannot Trample Your Rights – Millions of people go to work daily dreading their workday. They are abused and …

How Do I Collect What I’m Owed Now?

If your company goes under or refuses to pay, is your manager liable for the wages you are owed? Interestingly …

Shift Differentials and Overtime Pay

Some California employers pay what is called a shift differential to those employees who are willing to work certain shifts. …

What mistakes could you Company be Making on Your Paycheck?

Labor law in California changes constantly as new laws are passed and new cases are decided in court creating new …

Don’t Ignore Discrimination at Work!

DISCRIMINATION At WORK Employment discrimination is grossly against the public policy of California. Many people do not understand the exact …

California Rules for Working Minors

Employing Minors? Know the Rules. This is perhaps a larger issue in CA than many other states, with the film …

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