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False Unemployment Rate and REAL Healthcare Problems

When the global recession hit the United States in 2008, it caused devastation to many people and their families. One …

What you may NOT know can hurt you!

Five Key Things That Employees Should Know about Sexual Harassment in California One of the common questions that are asked …

What Makes CA a GREAT State to Work in?

Unique Differences in California Labor Laws explained by California Labor Law Attorneys. If you are a California worker, you will …

Don’t Be Your Boss’s Doormat

California is the third largest state in America and it is also the most populous one. With such size and population …

Who Can Help With My Employment Problems?

Do You Have Los Angeles Employment Law Issues? Employment issues do not only confine themselves with the hiring and firing …

Why should you care about California Labor Code 206.5?

It’s easy to imagine that we can’t keep track of the codes and regulations today, and just hope that our …

Three Signs You’re About to get FIRED, and what to do.

Another Monday comes and you are dreading that return to work. Are you hoping to get laid off? Most of …

What is the California Labor Commission Doing for YOU?

The memorandum of understanding (MOU)  is a directive that has joined the  U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) with California’s Labor and Workforce …

Sexual Harassment is STILL a BIG Problem

SEXUAL HARASSMENT Sexual harassment is one of the most brutal forms of violation of the employee’s rights and their freedoms …

Can you really be denied OVERTIME PAY?

OVERTIME EXEMPTION Overtime exemptions have always been issues of extreme confusion for California employees and employers alike. For many years, …

3 Meal Breaks Employees Can Take

All employers in California must let their employees take meal breaks. If they don’t, they can get sued. Even if …

San Francisco Overtime Rules: GET PAID!

California overtime laws contain all the important labor protection laws. Overtime laws consist of statutes; rules and regulations which govern …

Permits for Undocumented Workers?!

Is it possible for Obama to Approve Permits for Undocumented Workers? President Obama has recently announced that he would amend …

Discrimination against US Veterans in the Workplace

This year new laws were passed, offering new protections to those brave men and women who have, or are serving …

Can Obama approve Permits for Undocumented Workers?

President Obama recently announced he would alter the Department of Homeland Security policy and allow some undocumented immigrants who came …

OOPS, Could Your Boss Sue YOU for Negligence.

Could Your Boss Sue YOU for Damages at Work? In California, the answer is simply YES, anyone can sue anyone …

Can You Get Your Boss to PAY For THAT?

Use Your Cell Phone For Work, Get Reimbursed By Your Employer Has your employer ever asked you to make or …

Proposed Changes to Caregivers Exemption, meant to Redefine Companionship Services

In 1938 the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was passed, setting minimum wage requirements, but it did not apply to …

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