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Bad Boss? Don’t take it sitting down!

Bad Boss? Don’t take it sitting down!

Older man and young woman looking at paperwork at a desk

Welcome to the 21st century. You have so many rights at work you can’t even keep track of them. No longer can an employer get away with paying terrible wages and abusing workers; or can they?

The laws may be in place to protect employees, but someone still has to speak up and bring light to the situation. Everyday unfair or unwitting employers violate the rights of their workers by breaking different laws, whether wage and overtime violations or discrimination and so on.

Nothing will get better unless you report it, and thanks to the new laws passed last year you are even further protected. Anti retaliation laws have been beefed up so that any employee who reports wrong-doing, even suspected, is guarded from adverse action.

What do anti retaliation laws do for me?

The thoughtfully constructed labor codes that govern the workplace specifically provide protection for an employee who files a complaint about violations they experience or witness. This means if you file a complaint with your boss, HR or even the labor board or an attorney, it is illegal for your employer or coworkers to mistreat you in any manner.

If you have filed a claim and subsequently been fired, demoted, denied hours or better shifts, or otherwise suffered adverse effects, those responsible are breaking the law.

YOU MUST SPEAK UP! If you are the victim of retaliation or fear you will be if you make your rightful claim of labor law violations, you need to call right away. United Employees Law Group is here to help.  We have helped employees collect damages after retaliations as well as assisting in resolving the matter of monies owed before such retaliation can take place.

Have the right team on your side. Call today for a completely free review of your case

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/ goodluz

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