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Additions to California’s Equal Pay Act

Additions to California’s Equal Pay Act

California Fair Pay Act or SB538 is a revision to the persisting California labor laws which protects workers who desire to discuss about their co-employees’ wages. It is an amendment that also eliminates loopholes which allowed employers to rationalize inequalities in salary distribution between different sexes. This bill is an add-on of the 1949 California Equal Pay Act that was originally planned to impose equal pay.


Add-ons to the California’s Equal Pay Act 

– Requiring similar pay for workers who carry out substantially equal work

– Extending the time period that employers should maintain wage as well as other work-related records from 2 years to 3 years.

– Stating that the retaliation against workers who attempt enforcing the law is illegitimate, and making it illegitimate for any employer to prohibit workers from inquiring or discussing about their co-employees’ wages.

– Making sure that any kind of legal factor applied by the employers for wage inequalities are related in a reasonable manner and they account for the whole pay difference.


Difference between the Previous and the Present-Day California’s Equal Pay Acts, as Amended:

There are several major differences which are visible in the present-day law including:

1. Prohibiting ethnicity-, or race-based pay differences.

2. Eliminating the demand that any compared jobs must be situated at the same foundation.

3. Making it harder for any employer to justify unequal wage based on ethnicity, race, or sex.

4. Stating that employers must not prohibit their respective employees from discussing the salaries of others, disclosing their wages, or questioning about others’ salaries.

As an employee, if you realize your employer is tampering with your freedom or rights in any way, it is important you consider taking the necessary steps and let the rule of law prevail. If you are mishandled by your employer in any way, it is advisable you consider employing a reputable California based attorney who will ensure your rights are protected and not manipulated.

Why You Should Cooperate with a Reputable California Based Attorney

#1: Lawyers are Experienced and Informed about the Law

Reputable attorneys such as those at United Employees Law Group are well-trained and qualified to tackle a range of varying employees issues. Once you liaise with UELG lawyers when having a case against your employer, the lawyers will apply their in ordinate skills and make sure your right are reinstated in a quick and safe way.

#2: Affordable Solutions

Lawyers such as those at UELG will not only offer you with impeccable and exceedingly reliable solutions once you hire them to represent you in your case against your employer, but also give you pocket friendly rates that you can afford.


If you want to learn about how you can locate UELG when having any type of issue with your employer, ensure you visit their online site for an estimate and consultation for all their services.

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